Before contacting technical support, your question may be answered by an article in our support article database: By finding an article in our database, you can find an answer to your question much more quickly.
However, if your question or issue is still not answered, please contact technical support by following these instructions:
Go to the left menu panel.
Scroll down and tap on “Tech Support”
Tap on “Get Email Support”
Answer the following questions through your Mail application.
Go to the left menu panel.
Scroll down and tap on “Technical Support”
Choose an email application (ex: Gmail or Email) on your device.
Describe your situation by answering the following questions:
What were you trying to do?
What happened?
What did you do to have the problem occur?
What is the Android version of your device (Android 4.2.2, 5.0, etc.)?
To find this, Go to Settings > General > About Device on your Android.
After sending your email, please expect an email response within 2-3 days.