For iOS:
Note that creating insight reports within Argus is a feature for premium members only. Having Instant Heart Rate+ or Sleep Time+ installed on your phone without a premium membership will not grant you access to the insight reports feature of Argus.
To generate an insight report, tap on the Insights button located at the top left-hand corner of the Me timeline feed. From the insights page, you can view both your heart rate and sleep data. If you are logging in from a new device, make sure you "Load All Data from the Server" before creating your insight report.
For heart rate insights, tap into any heart-related insight and press on the blue Generate Report button at the bottom to customize and send your heart insight report.
For sleep insights, tap into any sleep-related insight and press on the blue Generate Report button at the bottom to customize and send your sleep insight report.
For Android:
Note: The report generation for insights is for premium members only for Android users as well.
To generate an insights report, please go to the Insights Tab where you can tab "Generate Monthly Report" at the bottom of the screen to view your insights reports.
Note that creating insight reports within Argus is a feature for premium members only. Having Instant Heart Rate+ or Sleep Time+ installed on your phone without a premium membership will not grant you access to the insight reports feature of Argus.
To generate an insight report, tap on the Insights button located at the top left-hand corner of the Me timeline feed. From the insights page, you can view both your heart rate and sleep data. If you are logging in from a new device, make sure you "Load All Data from the Server" before creating your insight report.
For heart rate insights, tap into any heart-related insight and press on the blue Generate Report button at the bottom to customize and send your heart insight report.
For sleep insights, tap into any sleep-related insight and press on the blue Generate Report button at the bottom to customize and send your sleep insight report.
For Android:
Note: The report generation for insights is for premium members only for Android users as well.
To generate an insights report, please go to the Insights Tab where you can tab "Generate Monthly Report" at the bottom of the screen to view your insights reports.